WSAI 2020

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2020 2nd World Symposium on Artificial Intelligence was held virtually  during June 18-20 , 2020. It's the workshop of HP3C 2020 which is technically supported by Research Institute of Big Data Analytics, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China, Guangdong University of Technology GDUT, and IEEE.

As coronavirus spreads worldwide, considering the safety of everyone, the organizing committee decided to postpone the conference to June 27-29, 2020. Online / Video Presentation were acceptable on WSAI. Online Presentation Session was arranged accordingly.


Keynote Speakers

刘德荣教授 (Prof. Derong Liu) 美国芝加哥伊利诺伊大学电气与计算机工程系终生教授。主要研究方向有:智能控制理论及其应用、人工智能网络、模糊系统、生物信息学、电力系统允许与控制、无线通讯与无线网络等/Fellow,国际模式识别学会(IAPR)2016; Fellow,国际神经网络学会(INNS)2013; Fellow,电气与电子工程学会(IEEE)2005

张青富教授 (Prof. Qingfu Zhang) IEEE Fellow, 现为香港城市大学计算机科学系教授、长江学者讲座教授、IEEE Fellow,研究方向包括演化算法、优化算法、神经网络、数据分析及其相关应用等。张教授是IEEE Transactions on Evolutional Computation、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics等计算智能领域权威期刊的副主编,并且获得了2010年IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation的优秀论文奖。2016和2019年入选计算机科学领域的高被引学者。

卢宇彤教授 (Prof. Yutong Lu ) 博士,教授,博导,现任中山大学数据科学与计算机学院教授,国家超级计算广州中心主任,ISC Fellow,曾任国防科技大学计算机学院软件所副所长,银河天河工程副总师

戴金权,英特尔高级首席工程师、大数据技术全球CTO,负责领导英特尔全球工程团队在高级大数据分析上的研发工作,他带领团队一手研发了分布式深度学习库 BigDL和Analytics Zoo大数据分析和人工智能的平台,致力于推动AI技术的普世化



Congratulations to the Excellent Oral Presentation Winners

A Dynamic I/O Sensing Scheduling Scheme in Kubernetes
Authors: Dong Li, Yi Wei, Bing Zeng
Presenter: Yi Wei, Software Engineering, South China University of Technology, China

Inter-stakeholders Relationship in the Envisioned Autonomous Driving Era
Authors: Manzoor Ahmed Khan, Parag Kulkarni, Hesham El Sayed
Presenter: Manzoor Khan, UAE University, UAE

An In-depth Analysis of System-level Techniques for Simultaneous Multi-threaded Processors in Clouds
Authors: Yaohua Wang, Rongze Li, Zhentao Huang, Xu Zhou
Presenter: Yaohua Wang, National University of Defense Technology, China

A Survey of System Scheduling for HPC and Big Data
Authors: Bo Wang, Zhiguang Chen, Nong Xiao
Presenter: Bo Wang, College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, China